Hulu Visual Displays | Whiteboards | Glass Markerboards | Bulletin Boards | Fire Extinguishers & Cabinets

Owner: Hulu
General Contractor: Schuchart
Architect: JPC Architects
Client: Schuchart

certainty during uncertainty

With all the uncertainty surrounding the recent quarantine protocol, one thing that has become clear is the importance of streaming entertainment. When streaming leader Hulu needed to outfit their new Seattle office for collaboration and safety, PBS was up to the task providing of Claridge porcelain enamel steel markerboards, Claridge bulletin board tackboards and Larson fire protection.

“PBS was up to the task”


catalyst for collaboration

Just as great programming can bring people together, our whiteboards and glass markerboards - located throughout the office - serve as a catalyst for collaboration. PBS was happy to provide a blank canvas to facilitate the next great advancement in streaming. Moreover, community tackboards prove that sometimes you can’t beat a classic when it comes to keeping everyone informed of the office "goings-on." Finally while the least flashy but most important, our teams securely installed fire protection around the office to ensure a safe workspace.